Genealogists and Books
On National Read a Book Day, celebrated 6 September 2017, the public was encouraged to spend the day reading. Many family historians need no encouragement to do that; books are an important part of every day. Genealogists use books for research and they read them to learn about records, techniques, history, society, laws, and much more. In recent years, as more and more information has become available online, some newcomers to this field of study mistakenly think all they need to know can be found on websites. A significant number of valuable publications are still accessible only in book form. Genealogists who make the effort to look beyond Internet sources will discover both newly released titles and decades-old classic works.
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Readers of genealogical books should be aware that any statement should have a cite to its source. The best genealogists go the documents from the time period of the events they are researching.