writing Archive
31 Jan 2023
Decoding the Numbers: Genealogical Numbering Systems
By Katharine Korte Andrew On 31 January 2023 In NGS Monthly
If you have read a genealogy publication or explored popular family tree software, you have likely seen numbers assigned to individuals in family trees. What do these numbers mean? Why are there so many different numbering systems?
31 Dec 2017
Four Ways to Give Back to the Genealogical Community
By Aaron Goodwin On 31 December 2017 In Uncategorized
Giving back is critical for a community such as ours, one that is uniquely self-supporting and depends whole-heartedly on the kindness of strangers. The financial burden that societies bear to digitize records, create indexes, and educate
23 Mar 2017
Writing Family Narratives
By Laura Murphy DeGrazia, CG On 23 March 2017 In Uncategorized
Exceptionally well-written family narratives inspire others to try to bring their own ancestors to life in the same way. It sometimes seems, however, that talented writers are born with a gift—that either a person has or doesn’t