Aug 2023
Genealogy Records Roundup – Summer 2023
Keeping up with the newest and most updated collections across the genealogy field is difficult, especially during the summer months. Here, I will describe some of the newest and most recent resources, websites, and projects that I find interesting and noteworthy, and which made waves this summer!
Aug 2023
Uncovering Ancestral Narratives Through Historic Cuisine
Family history research and writing is more than just tracing back the dates, names, and places of our ancestors and relatives. It’s about understanding their stories, the lives they led, the challenges they faced, and the joys they celebrated. A fascinating way to step into the world of our ancestors is by exploring the foods […]
Jul 2023
National Genealogical Society 2023 Family History Conference Recap, Review, and Photos
The National Genealogical Society’s 2023 Family History Conference “The Deep Roots of a Nation” proved an exceptionally successful event for the genealogy community and featured several momentous announcements by NGS. Over several days, in a bustling convention center in Richmond, Virginia, participants—including genealogists, historians, and enthusiasts from around the world— had the opportunity to attend […]
Apr 2023
What Did They Say?: A Glimpse into 18th and 19th Anachronistic Vocabulary
Learning anachronistic eighteenth and nineteenth-century words might not seem like the most thrilling activity for some of us, but it can actually be quite useful for genealogists. By understanding words like “fazzolet” and “peradventure” we can gain a deeper appreciation for historical texts and better understand the cultural context in which they were written.
Apr 2023
Societies in Crisis: Disaster Planning for Genealogy Societies
As I worked on a new exhibit for the historical society where I serve as director, my mind wandered to the special responsibility I have to protect our valuable holdings. As I placed a wedding dress from 1886 on a mannequin for public display, I felt a visceral need to protect the fabric, to ensure […]
Mar 2023
City Directories in Genealogy Research
City directories are an excellent resource for genealogy research, providing valuable information about our ancestors’ lives and movements. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what city directories are, how they can be used in genealogy research, and where to find them.
Mar 2023
Attending a Conference: Reflections, Tips, and Advice for First-Time Attendees and Early-Career Professionals
I recently had the opportunity to attend RootsTech 2023 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Reflecting on my experience, I wrote this article to guide future first-time conference attendees and early-career professional genealogists. While I had participated in smaller conferences such as Midwestern Roots 2022 and FGS 2018, the sheer size of RootsTech left me feeling […]
Jan 2023
Decoding the Numbers: Genealogical Numbering Systems
If you have read a genealogy publication or explored popular family tree software, you have likely seen numbers assigned to individuals in family trees. What do these numbers mean? Why are there so many different numbering systems? This article will introduce you to the most commonly used genealogical numbering systems and how you can utilize […]
Jan 2023
Not Everything is Online: How to Research in Archives
As more documents and records are digitized, genealogists often stick to the online, easy-to-access record sets. However, even in the age of digital information, not everything we need or want as genealogists is digitized. So, let’s get back to the basics and discuss how to research in physical archives and repositories.
Dec 2022
Finding Relatives Residing Elsewhere: A Brief Guide to Institutions
Like me, you may have a great-grandparent who seemingly went “missing” from records, family stories about a long-departed relative’s battle with mental illness, or an adopted ancestor. Or, like an increasing number of historians and genealogists across the globe, you may be interested in the stories of historically marginalized, underrepresented, and under-researched communities and individuals. […]